New York, State Census, 1855


    1. Gillies, Irene
    2. Relation to Head of House: Child
      1. Gillies, Irene
    1. Gillies, Wright Jr
    2. Relation to Head of House: Child
      1. Gillies, Wright Jr
    1. Birth
      1. Gillies, Wright Jr
    2. Gillies, Wright Jr
    1. Birth
      1. Gillies, Wright
    2. Gillies, Wright
    1. Gillies, Wright
    1. Gillies, Wright Jr
    1. Gillies, Irene
    1. Gillies, Wright
    2. Relation to Head of House: Head
      1. Gillies, Wright
    1. Birth
      1. Gillies, Irene
    2. Gillies, Irene