New York, State Census, 1875


    1. Birth
      1. Leslie, Margaret
    2. Leslie, Margaret
    1. Birth
      1. Warner, John
    2. Warner, John
    1. Relation to Head of House: Head
      1. Warner, John
    2. Warner, John
    1. Warner, Jessie Elliott
    1. Relation to Head of House: Daughter
      1. Warner, Lillias Leslie
    2. Warner, Lillias Leslie
    1. Leslie, Margaret
    1. Birth
      1. Warner, Nelson Elliott
    2. Warner, Nelson Elliott
    1. Warner, Nelson Elliott
    1. Birth
      1. Warner, Jessie Elliott
    2. Warner, Jessie Elliott
    1. Warner, John
    1. Birth
      1. Warner, Lillias Leslie
    2. Warner, Lillias Leslie
    1. Leslie, Minnie
    2. Relation to Head of House: Niece
      1. Leslie, Minnie
    1. Relation to Head of House: Daughter
      1. Warner, Jessie Elliott
    2. Warner, Jessie Elliott
    1. Leslie, Minnie
    1. Birth
      1. Warner, Henry
    2. Warner, Henry
    1. Birth
      1. Leslie, Minnie
    2. Leslie, Minnie
    1. Warner, Henry
    1. Relation to Head of House: Son
      1. Warner, Nelson Elliott
    2. Warner, Nelson Elliott
    1. Leslie, Margaret
    2. Relation to Head of House: Wife
      1. Leslie, Margaret
    1. Relation to Head of House: Son
      1. Warner, Henry
    2. Warner, Henry
    1. Warner, Lillias Leslie