Leslie, William

Birth Name Leslie, William
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Leslie, William
Mother Burke, Georgie Ann
    Brother     Leslie, David Burke
    Sister     Leslie, Meredith Austin “Mal”
         Leslie, William
    Sister     Leslie, Karen Barker


    Family of Leslie, William and McElvain, Carol J
Unknown Partner McElvain, Carol J
  1. Leslie, William
  2. Leslie, James Scott
  3. Leslie, Cristin
  4. Leslie, Camela


  1. Leslie, William
    1. Burke, Georgie Ann
      1. Leslie, David Burke
      2. Leslie, Meredith Austin “Mal”
      3. Leslie, William
        1. McElvain, Carol J
          1. Leslie, William
          2. Leslie, James Scott
          3. Leslie, Cristin
          4. Leslie, Camela
      4. Leslie, Karen Barker
