Perry, Ruth Barker

Birth Name Perry, Ruth Barker
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Perry, William Nelson
Mother Barker, Laura Olympia
         Perry, Ruth Barker
    Sister     Perry, Elsie Barr
    Brother     Perry, George Sanford


    Family of Saxton, Edmund and Perry, Ruth Barker
Married Husband Saxton, Edmund
    Family of Grego, Louis W and Perry, Ruth Barker
Married Husband Grego, Louis W
  1. Grego, Dorothy Maria


  1. Perry, William Nelson
    1. Barker, Laura Olympia
      1. Perry, Ruth Barker
        1. Saxton, Edmund
        2. Grego, Louis W
          1. Grego, Dorothy Maria
      2. Perry, Elsie Barr
      3. Perry, George Sanford
