Dyrenforth, Elizabeth

Birth Name Dyrenforth, Elizabeth
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Dyhrenfurth, Louis F
Mother Collis, Anna Grace
    Half-brother     Davison, George Collis (Adopted, Birth)
         Dyrenforth, Elizabeth
    Brother     Dyrenforth, Robert Collis


    Family of Marks, Lewis Thornton and Dyrenforth, Elizabeth
Married Husband Marks, Lewis Thornton
  1. Marks, Lewis Jr
  2. Marks, Sarah
  3. Marks, Lewis
  4. Marks, Anne


  1. Dyhrenfurth, Louis F
    1. Collis, Anna Grace
      1. Davison, George Collis
      2. Dyrenforth, Elizabeth
        1. Marks, Lewis Thornton
          1. Marks, Lewis Jr
          2. Marks, Sarah
          3. Marks, Lewis
          4. Marks, Anne
      3. Dyrenforth, Robert Collis
