Frothingham, Thomas Harris

Birth Name Frothingham, Thomas Harris
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Frothingham, Theodore
Mother Frothingham, Lucy Harris
    Sister     Frothingham, Dorothea
    Brother     Frothingham, Theodore Jr
         Frothingham, Thomas Harris
    Brother     Frothingham, William Bannige
    Brother     Frothingham, Huntington W


    Family of Frothingham, Thomas Harris and Hoyt, Elizabeth S
Married Wife Hoyt, Elizabeth S
  1. Frothingham, Henry Hoyt Sr.
  2. Frothingham, Elizabeth
  3. Frothingham, David


  1. Frothingham, Theodore
    1. Frothingham, Lucy Harris
      1. Frothingham, Dorothea
      2. Frothingham, Theodore Jr
      3. Frothingham, Thomas Harris
        1. Hoyt, Elizabeth S
          1. Frothingham, Henry Hoyt Sr.
          2. Frothingham, Elizabeth
          3. Frothingham, David
      4. Frothingham, William Bannige
      5. Frothingham, Huntington W
