Hoyt, Elizabeth S

Birth Name Hoyt, Elizabeth S
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hoyt, Henry R
Mother Hoyt, Emma O
         Hoyt, Elizabeth S
    Sister     Hoyt, Margarethe M W
    Brother     Hoyt, Alfred O
    Sister     Hoyt, Gretchen
    Brother     Hoyt, Henry R Jr.


    Family of Frothingham, Thomas Harris and Hoyt, Elizabeth S
Married Husband Frothingham, Thomas Harris
  1. Frothingham, Henry Hoyt Sr.
  2. Frothingham, Elizabeth
  3. Frothingham, David
    Family of Stewart, William A W and Hoyt, Elizabeth S
Married Husband Stewart, William A W


  1. Hoyt, Henry R
    1. Hoyt, Emma O
      1. Hoyt, Elizabeth S
        1. Frothingham, Thomas Harris
          1. Frothingham, Henry Hoyt Sr.
          2. Frothingham, Elizabeth
          3. Frothingham, David
        2. Stewart, William A W
      2. Hoyt, Margarethe M W
      3. Hoyt, Alfred O
      4. Hoyt, Gretchen
      5. Hoyt, Henry R Jr.
