Sprague, Joan

Birth Name Sprague, Joan
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Sprague, Robert
Mother Wraight, Lena Maude
    Brother     Sprague, Jerry
    Brother     Sprague, James
         Sprague, Joan
    Brother     Sprague, Jason
    Brother     Sprague, Jay
    Brother     Sprague, John
    Brother     Sprague, Jeff
    Brother     Sprague, Joseph
    Sister     Sprague, Janice


    Family of Holmes and Sprague, Joan
Unknown Partner Holmes


  1. Sprague, Robert
    1. Wraight, Lena Maude
      1. Sprague, Jerry
      2. Sprague, James
      3. Sprague, Joan
        1. Holmes
      4. Sprague, Jason
      5. Sprague, Jay
      6. Sprague, John
      7. Sprague, Jeff
      8. Sprague, Joseph
      9. Sprague, Janice
